Is Your CV Preventing You from getting your dream job???!!
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- Is Your CV Preventing You from getting your dream job???!!
Have you identified a dream job that you would like to apply and get an interview?
Do you think you have the qualifications, have the right skills and been applying for job but you are not getting any interviews??? Then your CV could be the problem preventing you from nailing the job.
Many people over look how to write their CV not knowing, it’s your entry-point, your ticket, your way into that job you so desire.
As you are writing your CV, it’s best to have your mind on that tired recruiter who has hundreds of CVs to look at every day. What will make her look at yours?
To start with, your CV should be aptly named so as to introduce it. As a recruiter, I wouldn’t be eager to open a CV saved this generically: CV 1 or CURRICULUM VITAE. Who is that?! Save the CV in both your names and please, minimize the use of CAPS as it makes reading so much harder.
Your CV must also be appealing to look at. Clever use of white space and proper formatting can create quite the effect (even with no color applied). Please don’t stretch your CV into the margins as it kills this effect and gives an impression of crowding and untidiness. Also make sure you use the same bullets throughout and ensure they are uniformly tabbed.
Font type and size is also a game changer. You can use Century Gothic, Candara, Calidara, Calibri, Trebuchet MS and sans serif font as they are more easy on the eyes. If you want recruiter never to look at your CV, use serif fonts like Times New Roman……..
Work on your CV to attract and keep the recruiters attention.